I found this Q&A online today. Dr. Fox, the animal doctor from the Washington Post, was answering some questions from pet owners. It started off with a question about natural flea control. Another reader was very upset because she had found out that one of her two new cats had a terminal disease called Feline infectious peritonitis, FIP. FIP is a fatal incurable disease that invades and grows in white blood cells causing the immune system to respond with intense inflammation in the containing tissues. It seems that it is very common in places where large groups of cats are kept together (animal shelters). Most common transmission is through the inhalation or ingestion of the virus through feces. The owner wanted to know if there was anything she could do for the cat since she has proven to be sensitive to any medicine.
The doctor responded telling her, “As long as an animal is not suffering and has some quality of life, has a good appetite and enjoys being petted and gentle play, then never give up.” Dr. Fox went on to suggest a raw-food diet and a couple of supplements including (shocker shocker) human grade aloe vera liquid!
I don’t actually find it that shocking that a sick cat would respond to aloe vera liquid in a good way. True, Animal Poison Control and a couple of different sites out list the aloe plant as toxic to felines. They are referring to chewing or gnawing on the plant. However, holistic veterinarian practitioners have found that there are benefits from the juice extracted. There are also studies that have been done using acemannan obtained from Aloe vera to treat the feline leukemia virus.
Acemannan is a compound that is extracted from aloe and is known to have immunostimulant, antiviral, antineoplastic, and gastrointestinal properties.
Feline leukemia is a viral disease that kills all affected cats, 40% die within 4 weeks, and 70% within 8 weeks. In the study I looked at from back in 1991, injections of acemannan were given to cats infected with the virus. After 6 weeks the survival rate and the quality of life of the infected cats were improved. After 12 weeks, 71% of the cats used in this experiment were still alive and in good health! That’s a lot more than 4 weeks. I hear the owners of those cats were very grateful.
Aloe is also being used for the treatment and clinical management of fibrosarcoma in cats and dogs. It has prolonged the survival of the animals.
Well, it seems like aloe’s natural healing properties are not just for humans alone, at least in some forms. Remember, always consult with your veterinarian before you give your cat any supplement!
G says
Aloe vera is usually toxic to dogs & cats. How does this work? ?
Pursianlover says
Aloe vera is toxic to humans too if you injest the yellow sap in the green part of the leaves (the aloin). The yellow sap is the plants defense against predators and parasites. Only the inside of the plant, the clear gel, is edible and medicine to anyone. I eat Aloe every day. I rub it on my cats acne and he has ingested some gel. He is fine and likes the soothing Aloe on his skin.
Lorna Dykstra says
Will aloe vera take fluids out of a cats chest cavity? My cat has been drained 5 times and he cannot be drained again. The vets said it’s either fip, Cancer or a deep wound with infection. He doesn’t look or act sick. Just keeps filling with fluids then he can’t breathe. Time is critical for him. Can someone tell me anything ? Sincerely, Lorna
Clare says
Research Frankinsense oil or tincture. My friend gave her dog Frankinsense oil on the advice of a holistic vet along with a change in diet. He had a brain tumour and was sent home to die by the vets.
IN two months using one drop of Frankinsense oil per day on the roof of hte dogs mouth (get a god brand), the dog could walk again and the tumour completely cleared. He lived another 9 years, longer that the average age!
Check out the story of the parrot and Aloe Vera Juice on the internet. It also came back from the dead literally. THis Aloe Juice had liver cleansing herbs in it also but I think Aloe juice on its own is a life saver.
Research the herbs and add these too in a tincture, they clear out all toxins.
Gina Adams says
I recently have discovered the reason for my weight gain is due to yo yo dieting, and eating as little as possible for 5 – 7 hours at a time.
I am not young any more. What used to work, doesn’t work at all now. My system has shut down and I cant seem to lose a pound. But everything aches, so I am up the creek without a paddle. My hair has also been thinning, I always had such gorgeous hair. I feel like an alien in my own body. I read, read, read, but there is so much conflicting information, I wondered about applying Aloe Vera to my scalp. I guess it couldn’t hurt. I don’t believe in doctors as I think they’re all a bunch of quacks. They put ban daid’s on things, Masking the problem wont actually help the person, It just appears like it helps. I guess I have to go all natural & organic, But who can afford that. I know, no processed anything, eat greens, vegetables, berries, avocado, , avoid grain of all types, no dairy I might as well crawl in a hole and give up. Oatmeal is bad too? this really sucks.
I could understand it if I were a sugar fiend, a alcoholic. or something extreme. I just want to be normal!
Pursianlover says
Take the aloe gel cut up in water with pure lemon juice and/or a teaspoon of Bragg’s
Raw apple cider vinegar (only eat the gel of the aloe not the sap) internally for weight loss. (Warning, you WILL poop a lot at first because it is detoxing your gut) Better out than in right!? Use 1 part castor oil and one part olive oil mixed with 5 drops of lavender oil for your thinning hair. Rub it into your scalp 3 times a week and leave it in for 6 hours or over night with a shower cap on. Wash out with a little baking soda or shampoo twice to get the oil out. Your hair will grow back.
Pursianlover says
I am gluten dairy intolerant. Can’t have too much sugar, can’t drink alcohol either. So I understand how you feel. But eating aloe has helped me a lot. I stopped eating all those bad things and started eating aloe and lost 40lbs in 3 months. Hair grew back too. Your hormones are probably out of whack because if the herbicides in the wheat and hormones dairy making your hair fall out. Those herbicides kill the good bacteria in your gut too making it impossible for you to digest food. The food in turn cuts up your intestines and large food particles pass into your blood stream causing allergic reactions. This is where food intolerances are born. Aloe heals the gut from all that and encourages gut bacteria growth. And that is why it makes you poop. Hahaha!!
Pamela Pratt says
I’very had twin sister kittens since they were 6 wks. old. They are now 11 months old. Have never been outdoors and very loving to each other. One of the kittens, the most friendly and aggre ssive, went missing for 7 days. Now that she is back, the other one has been more than a little hostile. I’m thinking the one that went missing has some unfriendly smells on her. My question is will a wipe that I want to use to disinfect her a little, that has aloe and vitamin E on it be harmful if she or her sister licks the aloe or vitamin while grooming?
Roseann temple says
My cat has a red skin irritation on the inside of her leg which she licks all the time . I have wanted to try putting Aloe Vera plant on it but was afraid it might harm her as I know she will lick it . Can anyone help me out?
Christi says
There is a spray that Petco sells, “Healthy Skin & Coat Anti Itch Spray” says for dogs, but is safe for cats too. ALL NATURAL! Colloidal Oatmeal, but no aloe vera. It’s very cooling to Simon’s skin (which is always a disaster) and while he hates it when I spray it, I pour a little in my hand when he’s curled up in my lap, and rub it wherever it needs it. Awesome stuff!!!