Arthritis is a crippling disease. It will restrict activities like walking and even standing. It attacks joints in the body and can cause extreme pain. Arthritis is also a chronic disease; once a person develops it they will have it for life. The only way to deal with arthritis is to learn how to manage the pain.
Many people suffer the effects of arthritis; statistics show that in adults over 40, one in three will have arthritis as they get older. It can develop in infants, but most people show signs of arthritis in their fifties. More than 50 percent of people who have arthritis develop it before they turn age 65. It is estimated that people with arthritis will spend close to $150,000 in medical expenses and lost wages.
Types of Arthritis
Most people who have arthritis have either Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear of the weight-bearing joints. The knees, hips, and ankles are usually affected. It can also settle in the shoulders and other mobile joints in the regions of the spine, such as the lumbar or cervical regions. The synovial fluid in the joints shrinks with age and wear and tear of the joints. It eventually will cause the bones to grind against each other. It is this grinding that causes pain and movement difficulties.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis is actually caused by antibodies attacking the synovial lining of joints. The antibodies are produced by the immune system but genetics, infections, or environmental factors can upset the immune system. What results are swelling, stiffness, and pain in the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a immunologically induced arthritis that can start at any age
Both of these forms of arthritis will cause the joints to stiffen because of the drying of the liquid in the joints. But this drying is not what causes pain. The pain in the joints is caused by inflammation around the joints. The inflammation is what causes the muscles to swell and ache.
Aloe Vera and Arthritis Pain
Arthritis is a chronic condition. Nothing is going to cure the arthritis in the body’s joints. But it can be controlled and managed so that the condition does not result in debilitation. There have been many scientific studies about aloe vera and its use for easing arthritis pain. A study that was published in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association in 1994 reported that aloe vera reduced the inflammation in joints that were affected by arthritis. It also supports the autoimmune reaction when the body attacked its own tissue as happens with rheumatoid arthritis. What will result when using aloe vera is a reduction in the pain and immobility from arthritis.
- Reduce Inflammation with Aloe Vera
Joints in the body become swollen with arthritis, especially in damp and cold weather. According to Natural Living Products, the swollen joints respond well to the ingestion of aloe vera juice. This is because the juice contains bradykinin, salicylate, and other natural steroids that reduce inflammation. Aloe vera juice also is full of vitamins A, B, C, and E. These vitamins are anti-inflammatory as well as strong anti-oxidants. The juice absorbs the toxins in the body that are produced with the joints are inflamed, and decreases the level of swelling that is caused by arthritis.
- Relieve Soreness with Aloe Vera
A person with arthritis often complains of stiffness and soreness in the joints. Aloe vera juice will relieve pressure from the inflamed joint, thereby reducing pain and soreness. Being able to move freely, exercise, and not feel stiff when getting up, walking, or standing will keep the body flexible and strong. Aloe vera can eliminate the inflammation and pressure around the joints, making movement easier.
- Repair Joints with Aloe Vera
Aloe vera contains glucosamine which is a natural compound found in cartilage. Glucosamine is a known treatment for arthritis pain and stiffness. Aloe vera juice also has minerals that will promote enzyme reactions in the joints, allowing them to heal faster. No more joint immobility or deformation with aloe vera.
How to Take Aloe Vera
Aloe vera comes in many forms. It is a member of the Lily family, in that it is a succulent, perennial plant that resembles a cactus. It thrives in warm, arid regions and does not do well in cold. The aloe vera plant has thick, spiny leaves that grow above ground level, usually in a rosette pattern. Each plant can have 12 or more leaves when mature. While there are over 250 species of Aloe, only five of them have nutritional and medicinal value. Most people know the Aloe Barbadensis Miller species of aloe vera. There are several ways to use the aloe vera plant to help ease the difficulties of arthritis.
- The gel of the aloe vera plant can be applied directly on the swollen and painful joints. The gel will provide relief of joint immobility and pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It It has been well documented that rubbing the affected joints with aloe vera gel results in the reduction of swelling and pain.
- Aloe vera capsules can be taken with water two to three times a day. This will help with the joint swelling and pain from the inside.
- Aloe vera juice will coat the stomach. Taking large quantities of NSAIDs over time for the pain associated with arthritis can cause gastrointestinal problems. If the aloe vera juice is taken regularly, these side effects are eliminated. The body is also ingesting anti-inflammatory agents as well.
- Combine aloe vera with other remedies to improve your arthritis relief! Although applying aloe gel to affected joints or taking aloe vera pills can alleviate a lot of your arthritis symptoms (swelling, pain, immobility), it is not enough! You will want to supplement this all-natural arthritis remedy with others. Talk to your doctor, and start putting a list together of other natural foods you can eat or lifestyle changes you can make to relieve your arthritis symptoms and ensure that your aloe vera does not have to do all the heavy lifting! Light exercise three times a day for around 30 minutes is an option. So is taking more warm baths and showers (your painful joints could benefit from some moist heat!). Losing weight might be an additional item you want to add to your arthritis-relief plan. Want a more exciting way to fight that arthritis pain? If your up for trying something new, a hot wax bath might be up your alley–your joints would sure love it!
Time Frame: How Long Until Aloe Eases My Arthritis?
One study reported reduced inflammation by 79.7 percent, and another reported reduced swelling by 67.3 percent. Drink high quality aloe very gel 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch, and right before going to bed. Start with a small amount and gradually increase to up to 2 tablespoons three times a day.
It is often asked how long it will take before relief is felt. That depends on how long the arthritis has been present in the joints. The bottom line is that it will help, but as with any natural, herbal product it will take time for the full benefit to be realized.
Vernon Book says
Thank-you for publishing this article on Aloe Vera. Until reading it, I had no idea that the Aloe
could be so beneficial in relieving OA pain and swelling. I found this article by chance while meandering through the various articles on OA. My main source of pain is my knees. The pain started about two years ago and I started the typical glucosamin, condroitin, MSM, colligen approach. I really don’t know if this stuff helped me or not, because I still have knee pain, but as you know pain is a subjective thing and I’m not sure if I would feel a lot worse by elininating it.
I have not tried any Aloe as yet, but its on my “buy” list. In the two years since I developed the knee OA, I have also graduated into ankle and hip pain. Its not as bad as the knee pain and I want to keep it that way – or, hopefully, improve or stop the pain.
If you have any suggestions on a brand of what you consider what the best Aloe is for OA, I certainly would appreciate hearing from you. Can you suggest any other products that might help me out with this curse. I am a 72 year old male and have been athletic all of my life – I’ve done it all,but now I find myself disgusted at times because I can’t do some of the simple things in life, like easily walking up/down stairs without “white knuckling” the bannister because I’m not exactly sure when something is not going to work right.
Thank-you in advance for any thoughts you might be able to pass along,
Liz says
Hi, have just found this great article, did you decide on a brand? How are you getting on? Liz
looby lou says
My friend recommended Forever Living aloe vera juice for my osteoarthritis and I felt immediate benefit in that the pain in my knees disappeared. I stlll feel a bit stiff and my hip is sore but I have only been taking it for a few days so I am hoping this improves too.
basavaraj says
Hi looby lou,
How is your condition now…? it is improved..?
Rachael says
my name is Rachael and I am selling the forever living aleo vera . It Is a very good quality product. give me a shout if you interested.
Mekala says
Are u selling red aloe Vera
Fay Barker says
Very first bottle of aloe Vera and noticed improvement in finger joints after 12 hours, the pain had kept me awake the previous night. After one week, much more flexibility in fingers, not cured but 80% pain reduction. I am late 60 female and very excited about prospects of taking aloe Vera. The first day, drank a glass of aloe Vera on ice and then reduced to small half glass daily before breakfast. Bought inexpensive brand from Reject Shop. Same brand is sold in supermarkets at more expensive price. Branded pure aloe Vera juice in a squarish green bottle. $3. Contains juice and pulp. I can now scrunch my hands with no pain. Joints are still swollen but I feel less obvious.
A says
You should also look into magnesium for OA. Check it out. It is interesting.
linda daniels says
I suffer from osteoarthritis in my knees,hips,back and hands.
i would like to try a more natural way to find relief. Where can i find the aloe vera juice to purchase
Thank you linda daniels
deb kumar sen says
I am 66 years old male. I am having knee pain since last one year.Presently it is very severe and becoming very difficylt for me me to walk even.
I would like to know how can I take allovera ? I live in Calcutta, India
Please help
We Love Aloe says
Check out our article here:
Anubhav says
Patanjali aloe vera easily available in india.try it
karina robinson says
I stumbled upon the aloe gel joint pain healing properties on accident. I used aloe on my leg and I noticed the next day, I had no joint pain in my hand. I was trying to figure out how the pain had stopped when I thought of the aloe. Two days later, pain started back and put aloe gel on again. Pain is gone!!!! Such a quick and easy solution!
We Love Aloe says
Amazing! I’m going to have to try this!
john says
your comment is the best because I have hip , leg knee pain and I tried it a few minutes ago with a rag rubbed it on my pain area hope it works, it is the juice that i tried heck if it works in my stomach it should work on my body parts. Thanks.
Basavaraj says
Hi Jony,
How is your condition now, is it improved after taking aloe vera juice… Let me know, even i am looking to start and waiting for someones benefits messages..
Did you pain still, after using aloe vera..?
Thank you.
Rose Gear says
I would like to know if this is good for the pain condition “Ankylosing Spondylitis?” If someone knows.
Vivien Moorhouse says
After reading about Aloe on here for Osteo Arthritis – I am going to buy a tube of Aloe from my Local Health Shop in town – and give it a try on my Knees ….. So please all cross your fingers for me. I tend to have -what I call ” Flare Ups ” with pain in my knees – which at the moment are really painful.
shirley lanser says
I started using Aloe Vera about 2 months ago for a painful and debilitating wrist joint that had gotten progressively worse over the years.
The very next day,( after taking 2 tablespoons in the morning and 2 in the evening) ALL the pain and discomfort was gone!
Believe me I was sceptic too!
And it is now November, the wettest time of year in Holland and still NO PAIN.
I would recommend taking Aloe Vera to anyone who suffers from arthritis!
Jose Lopez says
My Mother has arthritis can you tell me what brand of Aloe you take so I can Buy some for my mother,Thank you have a good day
Theresia Huttsell says
What did you take?
2 tablespoon of what? Thanks for the info.
Hans says
What do you mean “2 tablespoons of what”
We are talking about Aloe Vera here for goodness sake
Lisa Martin says
I have been using Sally Hansen Cuticle cream with Aloe Vera for two years, and I noticed that the swelling in my joints near my nails improved with usage. I long suspected it was the Aloe, but thought that the cuticle cream may also be helpful. I bought plain Aloe Vera gel, and although it helps, it does not seem to work as well as the cuticle cream with Aloe.
Nellie Belam says
I have also found significant benefits using aloe vera juice! I had been taking it to improve digestion and help reduce IBS (which it did). I also suffer from joint pain and swelling in the fingers of my left hand, and noticed a distinct improvement both in reducing the swelling and in the pain, but did not link the two together. When my digestion improved, I stopped taking the aloe vera and the joint pain in my hand returned. I went back on the aloe vera as a test, and I’ve been swelling free for about 2 weeks now. It has not alleviated it completely – I still get a little stiffness, but I can use my hand and fingers which I couldn’t do before.
I use Holland and Barrett’s Maximum Strength Aloe Vera Juice. Itake one capful of aloe vera first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
Hope this helps
Darlene M says
I have very bad osteoarthritis in both knees. I had a knee replacement in September in my right knee but have had little relief as of yet. I’m going to try the aloe Vera drink cause I’m desperate. It is crippling and I don’t know what else to do. I’m only 52 years old and suffer every day with extreme pain and it is depressing.! Any other suggestions for me that are natural and may help.
sbo magaye says
i have swelling on my leg for past year.i started to use aloe vera for aloe leaf
Anubhav says
try ayurvedic.In india Rumalaya fort tablets and gel very affective.It is from himalaya company .Its herbs are very effective.Tty them they are available in all over the world and yoga(exercise) is must.Im suffering from RA doing all this.It is helping me.
EB says
What brand of aloe vera juice is preferred?
soney says
I was having very bad joint pain I read on juicing aloe and cactus and their benefits. I drink I small glass of aloe daily. I also drink coconut water because the aloe minimizes my potassium levels. I am a testimony that the pain will go away..I can get up with having stiff joints and pain. 😉
ask the doctor says
These are acftually great ideas in about blogging. You have touched
some nice thins here. Any way kedp upp wrinting.
RC says
Hi.. I am facing arthritics pain from last 3 years.. have consulted many doctors, but no permanent relief. Can anyone recommend which aloe vera gel should i use to apply on joints as forever products are not easily available in India.
Thanks in advance
Basavaraj says
Hi RC,
You can use Patanjai Aloe vera juice… I tried and got pain relief.. Try it and tell me the result,. Even i have to advise the of same to my niece.. so let me know your experiences..
contact me at: 9742205471
John Lapp says
Just seen this article tonight (12 27 15) and cut a piece off my plant and I could not believe how it worked. I have had R/A since 2007, really wish I had seen this sooner. I will continue to rub the aloe from my plant and get some pills tomorrow. Can’t wait to read the article about acid reflux and to show these articles to my wife. Thank you sooooo much. j
Tarlochan Singh says
Aleo vera is a really very good natural medicine for treating joint and back pain. You will have immediate positive result.Just start immediately to avoid further joint pain suffering and frequent visits to doctors.
Diane says
I have been drinking 1/2 cup of Lilly of the Desert Aloe Vera Inner Fillet for the past few months and this is the first winter that I do not have pain in the joints of my fingers. I have to admit I was not a believer but I sure am now!
As says
Just started the same brand. On day 2. We’ll see how it works! 2 shots in am, 2 at night mixed with apple juice.
Sujeetha says
I to have rhuematoid arthritis fr abut 10yrs…day by day pain increases…no improvement…will this aloe vera intake helps me ..from my back pain…
Geeta says
Hi Sujeetha, my husband had knee problems and had started to limp and be in pain 24X7. But he took a trusted brand of aloe Vera and his pain want away easily. Now he is pain free and doesn’t limp. If you want to know more please do get in touch with me on [email protected]
Ruth Muriuki says
Have been having pain in my ankle,kneel, hip bone and in elbow and especially when I do my washings with cold water
Tobi says
My mum has OA and it’s quite severe she had a shifted hip which a physio was able to put back in place but she hasn’t been able to stand or walk. When I came across this blog I feel so elated and I am hopeful the Aloe Vera will work her but all I will like to know is if she will get relieved from the knee pain and be able to walk. Thanks
Manish says
Yes! Aloe Vera juice worked very welll for my knees OA . For the last two months I been applying it on my knees just after the shower when skin is still warm & damp;gets absorbed quickly. You can also mix some Epsom Salt in your aloe Vera juice.The brand I use is”Seven minerals”.Not recommended to take internally(instructions on bottle).
Francis Clarke says
I wonder if you could post internet links to the studies (“One study reported reduced inflammation by 79.7 percent, and another reported reduced swelling by 67.3 percent. “) you allude to. Thank you.
elizabeth oliver says
A VERY interesting read…..I suffer from arthritis of the spine, quite debilitating……had surgery decompression, didn’t help at all… not convinced about drinking AV because you mention the bitterness of taste, but I definitely would like to try it,…..don’t know how im going to reach my spine…..any advice on what brand I should use.
Mary says
What is the most effective brand of aloe Vera for topical use and oral use that has been reported by most. Thanks.
Jackie says
I have been taking Organic Aloe Vera Juice for over 4 years now. I have noticed a big improvement in the arthritis in my finger joints.
I use Pro- Ma Organic health Inner Leaf Aloe Vera Juice which I drink daily.
I use Pro- Ma Massage Aloe Vera lotion on my joints for relief.
Teri says
I’ve used natural remedies whenever I can for eons but this is the first I’d ever heard of using aloe for arthritis pain. My knees have bothered me for years but lately the pain is almost crippling. I contribute this to the fact that I recently changed positions at my job and now have to navigate stairs several times a day. I was spring cleaning at home last night, picking things up, bending my knees constantly & finally reached a point where I couldn’t take a step without almost collapsing from the pain. I’ve been taking a glucosamine supplement regularly but, obviously, it wasn’t helping last night. I found this site accidentally and just happened to have an old pump bottle of Aloe Vera gel, probably 10 or 15 years old. I’ve kept it for sun and other burns as it works fantastically for this. Rubbed some on my knees and sat on my couch for no more than 5 minutes, stood up and ….. WOW ! The pain was relieved by at least 95%. Incredible results! I had to come back to let you know. You can bet I’ll be going to the store to find an ingestable form soon. The brand of gel I used last night is Fruit of The Earth, Crystal clear gel. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve had this a long time so don’t know if the company is even still in business. I’m 61 years old and in the USA. Thanks for the info !