It is important to know the cause of heartburn-like symptoms, because treatment is of little use if it is for the wrong condition. The sensations related to heartburn can imitate other conditions like ischemic heart disease. In addition, sometimes heartburn is a symptom of a more serious condition. It is always wise to get an accurate diagnosis. And when you go to your doctor, ask him about aloe vera for heartburn!
A Long History of Popularity
Prized for its many applications, its ability to relieve pain and moisturize the skin eventually caused people to explore its effects when eaten. As a soothing, moist gel, it was easy for digestion and cooled the inflammation associated with heartburn. Aloe vera is said to have African origins, but has migrated to many other places, both in tropical and in subtropical areas. However, it is not to be found in the colder climates. Traditional medicine systems are consistent in that they all make use of the plants which inhabit their respective regions; it comes as no surprise that aloe vera has been popular for a much longer time in warmer areas where it grows in abundance. When the anti-inflammatory properties were discovered, its effects gained a reputation and was mixed in with food, with drinks, and sometimes just eaten as a snack! One of the most popular ways to take aloe vera is in the form of a juice. It can be mixed in with your favorite healthy drink, added into a smoothie or even a juice mixture.
How Does Heartburn Happen?
Heartburn is a slightly deceptive name, because it involves the digestive system more than the cardiovascular system (perhaps acid reflux disease is a better name). When the parts used in swallowing are working, food will pass through the esophagus. On the way to the stomach, food must pass through a circular band of muscle tissue called the lower esophageal sphincter. It is just a descriptive term that means a of one-way valve. Its most important feature is that it is supposed to be one-way. The feeling of heartburn is the feeling of not just the food coming back the wrong way, but also stomach acids. When it persists for a period of time, it causes inflammation. An inflamed esophagus is very different from cardiac disease. The reason they may feel the same is that they share the same nerves.
Aloe Vera for Heartburn
How does aloe vera for heartburn fit into all this? Well, aloe vera contains antiviral agents; it can promote health in multiple ways. It has a number of other active ingredients such as enzymes, vitamins A, B12, C and E, protein, amino acids, calcium, magnesium, and others. The interaction of these ingredients can create the antibiotic effect. It is experienced as a reduction in swelling. One of the most important properties of aloe vera is that it boosts the immune system. This quality cannot be underestimated. In addition to relieving pain upon direct contact with damaged or inflamed tissue, it also supports and strengthens the immune system. If the immune system is low because of stress, repetitive motion, or for any other reason, it is harder to recover from injury, sickness, or disease. Basically, this means that whatever you have will get worse. With heartburn, anything that can be done to reduce swelling and repair the tissue may result in the appearance of a cure. It can be a deceptive miracle if not supported with the habits of avoiding heartburn triggers in all their forms.
Another important property of aloe vera is its ability to improve circulation. Blood vessels have muscle tissue inside of them. This is why blood vessels can become large or small. When they get bigger, blood can move more freely through the vessels. Aloe vera improves circulation by causing the vessels to dilate, or enlarge. When there is fresher blood flowing to wounded tissues, as the ones involved in heartburn, they get repaired faster.
Drink Aloe Vera for Heartburn
Test time: Where does heartburn occur?
The answer: The esophagus–when it gets inflamed from food and stomach acids coming back up from the stomach.
Why the sudden pop quiz? Because heartburn occurs in the throat region, you will want to soothe the irritation by internally ingesting aloe vera. Popping a pill, however, will not have as immediate results as would swallowing some aloe vera water or juice, which will quickly and continually coat the esophagus and offer acid reflux relief right away. Topical application of aloe vera is, understandably, off the table (save that for your skin problems, like acne, eczema, or even bruises or cuts on the flesh). Just be careful when consuming aloe, even for medical purposes. Ingesting too much aloe can damage your digestive tract or cause kidney damage, so read up on how to properly drink your aloe! Once you know all the warnings about aloe, you can safely begin blending up some aloe smoothies and kiss that heartburn good-bye! When consumed correctly, aloe vera for heartburn can be a real life-saver!
Other Heartburn Triggers
In addition to types of food, the amount eaten can also trigger heartburn. Because eating is usually social, it is important to monitor this effect on food consumption. Calmer social settings may make it easier to chew and eat slowly than busy settings. All foods that have acidic properties could potentially trigger heartburn. Examples would be citrus foods or drinks, tomatoes, or foods that are high in fat. Other triggers of heartburn include hot spices, eating in the evening, and bending over after eating. This causes heartburn because the relaxed or weak valve muscles will be upside-down and gravity causes the food and acid to travel backwards towards the mouth.
Many attitudes around natural remedies have been changing, as they become both popular and familiar. Some people may still think that one system or another must be better, but this is a less practical approach than combining the two. Aloe vera is a natural complement to any other form of relief, including diet modification, exercise, and some medications. It might help relieve some of the side effects. There are different views on this, so it is important to consult with people that you trust before deciding to use the natural properties of aloe vera. Each situation is unique, so a common-sense approach to medicine and natural remedies is more likely to show good results. The side effects from taking medication can be dramatic or severe. It is natural to want to find ways to relieve pain without severe side effects. As scientific curiosity behind natural remedies increases, it is more likely that research on the effects of aloe vera will become more available.
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